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Darvin Ham Shot

Lakers' Darvin Ham Recounts Tragic Shooting Incident

A Life-Changing Experience

In a heartfelt revelation during his introductory press conference, Los Angeles Lakers head coach Darvin Ham shared a chilling account of an incident that has profoundly shaped his life. Ham disclosed that at the tender age of 14, he accidentally shot himself in the jaw with a loaded gun.

A Moment of Horror

"I didn't know it was loaded," Ham said, recalling the fateful day. "I was just playing around with it." The bullet shattered his jaw and embedded itself in his head, leaving him in critical condition. "I could feel the bone scraping against my brain," he vividly remembered.

Ham underwent several surgeries and spent months recovering. The physical and emotional scars of that day remain with him to this day. "It was a wake-up call," he said. "It made me realize that life is precious and that you have to be grateful for every moment."
