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A Politician With A Storied Career

Marine Le Pen: A Rising Star in French Politics

A Politician with a Storied Career

Marine Le Pen, born August 5, 1968, is a French politician who has made a significant mark on the country's political landscape. She is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, the former leader of the National Front party. Marine Le Pen succeeded her father as leader of the party, which is now known as the National Rally, in 2011.

A Controversial Figure

Le Pen is a controversial figure in French politics. She is known for her far-right views and has been accused of racism and xenophobia. However, she has also gained popularity among some voters for her anti-establishment and anti-immigration stance. In 2012, she ran for the French presidency and received 17.9% of the vote, coming in third place behind François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy.

A Rising Star

In 2017, Le Pen ran for president again and this time came in second place, behind Emmanuel Macron. She received 33.9% of the vote, a significant increase from her 2012 result. This result showed that Le Pen was gaining popularity among French voters and that she was becoming a serious contender for the presidency.

Le Pen's success in the 2017 election was due in part to her ability to tap into the anger and frustration of many French voters. She campaigned on a platform of economic protectionism, anti-immigration, and national sovereignty. These messages resonated with voters who felt that the country was losing its identity and that the government was not doing enough to protect them from globalization and immigration.

A Potential Future President?

Le Pen's success in the 2017 election has made her a potential future president of France. She is the leader of a major political party, and she has a strong following among French voters. If she is able to maintain her popularity and to unite the various factions within her party, she could be a formidable candidate in the next presidential election.
